America's sovereignty and freedom under attack by President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

01/31/2009 06:51

For years, leftwing supremacist judges and leftwing spenders in Congress have been chipping away at our U.S. Constitution. But now, the internationalists want to nullify our Declaration of Independence!

That is exactly what is in store for America unless you and fight back. NOW!

In April 2008, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown demanded that the United States reject our Declaration of Independence in favor of a "Declaration of Interdependence!"

According to Brown, you must submit to "new global institutions" and "global networks." And, "Americans must learn to think inter-continentally." "We are all internationalists now," says Brown.

Too many brave American patriots gave their lives fighting for our independence for you to simply give it away.

However, Brown and people of his ike have many, many allies in Congress and in Hillary Clinton's State Department.

And these elites are thrilled and excited at the prospect of President Obama doing their bidding and fast-tracking the treaties, executive orders, and judicial appointments that will turn America into a mere province of a giant international socialist super-state.

Remember when Obama went to Europe and declared himself a "citizen of the world" before thousands and thousands of cheering German socialists? Well he meant it.

And now dozens of treaties and rulings are being readied for ratification - lined up like planes on a runway ready to take off.

Here are a few of the "presents" Obama and the globalist elites are preparing for you and the rest of America:

  • The North American Community: This effort would "integrate" the economies of the U.S., Mexico, Canada into a European Union-type alliance. It means importing the crime and corruption of Mexico into America and bringing in cheap labor to take U.S. jobs. Barack Obama has appointed as U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, who is an enthusiastic supporter of the "global economic community" - which means open borders for "free" trade. Kirk even called for the "NAFTA Superhighway," which he said would be the "true river of trade between our communities.”

  • The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty: Obama has pledged to push this through. This means America's nuclear arsenal will be allowed to deteriorate until you are defenseless against rogue regimes like Iran and North Korea.

  • The U.N. Treaty on Women (CEDAW): Hillary Clinton has been lobbying for this treaty for years – now Obama is pushing it. This treaty requires America “to modify the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women” and obey U.N. dictates about “family education.” It authorizes the U.N. To revise America's textbooks to conform to feminist ideology in order to ensure “the elimination of any stereotyped concept of the roles of men and women at all levels and in all forms of education.” And it will give the U.N. control of all U.S. family law, including marriage, divorce, child custody, and property.

  • The U.N. Treaty on the Rights of the Child: This treaty is a pet project of the people who believe that the “village” should raise children rather than their parents. This treaty would give so-called U.N. “experts” the power to raise our children. It gives children the right to express their own views “freely in all matters,” to receive information of all kinds through “media of the child's choice, “ and the right to sue their parents. It also requires schools to teach children respect for “the Charter of the United Nations.”
    • The U.N. Law of the Sea Treaty: Obama has promised to ratify this treaty which would give corrupt foreign dictators total control over all the oceans and the minerals under them, and even give this U.N. body the power to levy international taxes on Americans.

    The danger from treaties gets worse! The globalists are writing a new Global Warming Treaty that will be even more harmful to the U.S. Than the Kyoto treaty our Senate refused to ratify. And the globalists are planning changes to our patent laws that will allow foreign “patent pirates” to sit at their computers and steal American inventions.

    And worse still, the International Criminal Court demands the power to try our soldiers for “war crimes” against this new international order!

    President Obama is already planning a historic trip to an Islamic country to proclaim that the United States is ready to “rejoin the World Community”!

    Hillary Clinton is already demanding that the State Department be more powerful and have a bigger budget than it has had in the past. And Vice President Joe Biden presides over a U.S. Senate filled with enough globalist politicians to ratify all the sovereignty-invading treaties that Obama and Clinton want.

    They must be stopped. NOW!


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