Arrest Rush for Treason?

02/13/2009 12:47

You have got to be joking. An extreme left-wing radio personality Mike Malloy, ranted about how Republicans who didn't vote for the "stimulus" package are domestic terrorists and also said conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh, is a bigger threat to this nation than Osama bin Laden. They guy also asked why isn't Rush in jail for treason!

Give me a break. This is why Liberal radio fails. You have idiots like these guys spouting off nonsense like that and expect people to listen and agree.

As of the moment I read the article, I have never heard of Mike Malloy. The guy has some nerve saying such crap about a guy who probably has about 100 times more listeners and happens to be a radio talk show giant. Could it be jealosy? I think so.

You can listen to Mike Malloy's rant here


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